Host an ECHO

Interested in hosting an ECHO course?

Submit a proposal

We would be happy to discuss with you! Please let us know in advance if you are including ECHO in a grant proposal so that we can help with details such as budget and timing. 

Our team supports ECHOs aimed at improving clinical care and/or enhancing the health of communities. Our goal is to spread evidence-based knowledge in a way that empowers a broad community of learners to be successful in working to improve health and healthcare.

ECHO courses typically include 3 to 8 sessions focused on a particular topic, though they can be longer or shorter and some are ongoing. Each session aims to be highly interactive and usually includes a brief presentation of didactic content, followed by a discussion of a case or scenario that helps explore the application of knowledge. Enduring materials, including didactic AVs, slide sets, and a compilation of resources identified in the course are usually posted publicly to expand access to course material. 

We welcome proposals from diverse organizations, teams or individuals. Each ECHO course planning team should include at least one member of the Dartmouth faculty with expertise relevant to the topic; we are happy to help identify someone if not already engaged. 

As a first step, please submit a brief ECHO course proposal. We will reach out to discuss once received. Thank you.