The Center for Surgical Innovation Team

Geisel and Thayer faculty have been working together to develop new biomedical technologies and advance patient care since the 1960s.

The Geisel School brings clinical expertise in the areas of orthopaedics, radiology, and the neurosciences, among other fields, while the Thayer School is a leader in biomedical engineering, imaging, and computation. Both faculties are large enough to draw top talent, yet small enough to benefit from a culture that fosters interdisciplinary research and innovation.

Sohail Mirza, left, and Keith Paulsen

Project leader

Keith Paulsen, PhD

  • Robert A. Pritzker Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
  • Professor of Radiology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
  • Scientific Director, Advanced Imaging Center, DHMC
  • Co-Director, Cancer Imaging and Radiobiology Research Program, Norris Cotton Cancer Center

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