Dermatology-Rheumatology Clinic

The dermatology-rheumatology clinic provides care for patients with autoimmune skin and joint diseases. Common conditions we treat include:

Providers with a patient in the dermatology-rheumatology clinic
  • Cutaneous (skin) problems for patients with challenging conditions
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Eosinophilic Fasciitis
  • Lupus
  • Morphea
  • Psoriasis with Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Scleroderma

Many autoimmune diseases display cutaneous (skin) problems. These skin issues may be the initial clue to an underlying disease.

We combine our expertise in dermatology and rheumatology for optimal and efficient care. The goal of our clinic is to:

  • Control inflammation of your underlying disease
  • Watch for systemic involvement
  • Improve your quality of life and your mobility and function

What to expect from your appointment

We will perform a thorough review of your health history and outside records. This includes reviewing:

  • Prior blood tests
  • Radiologic studies and skin biopsies

We perform a medical examination of your skin, and if appropriate, an evaluation of your:

  • Abdomen
  • Heart
  • Joints
  • Lungs
  • Muscles

Your joints and muscles are also evaluated by one of our rheumatologists.

If necessary, we may perform the following tests:

  • Biopsy: If we suspect a connective tissue disease, we perform a biopsy. We take a small sample of the skin or affected tissue to analyze in our laboratory. This procedure allows us to confirm and determine the exact cause of the disease.
  • Blood test: We may order more blood work to test for organ involvement. The blood test helps us determine the specific sub-type of connective tissue disorder.

We then create a personalized treatment plan for you. The treatment plan will address:

  • Your skin disease and joint or muscle disease
  • The severity of the disease
  • Other health medical problems

Appointments and referrals

We provide services in Lebanon, New Hampshire. We typically schedule appointments on the first Tuesday of the month.

Ask your dermatologist or rheumatologist to refer you to our clinic.

Dermatology-Rheumatology Clinic providers