Cardiovascular Imaging

Our highly trained and experienced cardiovascular imaging specialists utilize sophisticated technologies to support a comprehensive diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

Our program's non-invasive and advanced cardiac imaging technologies provide detailed information about the heart and its physical characteristics, such as size, shape, and presence of tissue damage. Imaging helps determine cardiac function and guides treatment.

How the use of latest technology improves your care

Cardiovascular Imaging incorporates time-tested as well as new imaging modalities to improve care. Examples of our latest technologies include:

  • Advanced cardiovascular imaging in routine practice to evaluate cardiac structure and function
  • Imaging support to help guide innovative minimally invasive cardiac procedures, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and mitral valve repair
  • Imaging support for open valve surgery in the operating room providing imaging before, during, and after repair or implantation of a new valve
IAC Echocardiography recognizes DHMC's Heart and Vascular Center for 25 years of excellence in quality patient care.

Echocardiography (ECHO)

Our well-equipped and high volume ECHO laboratory offers diagnostics tests and procedures, including:

  • Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE), which shows various detailed views of the heart by passing the ultrasound "wand" over the chest or abdomen
  • Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE), in which the ultrasound sensor is placed in the esophagus to produce different views of the heart
  • Stress ECHO tests, which are images taken before, during, and/or after exercise to see how well the heart works when the heart rate increases
  • Intraoperative ECHO, performed during surgery, and interventional ECHO performed in the Catheterization Lab to guide procedures, to monitor the heart and assess results
  • Advanced, three-dimensional (3D) ECHO, which enables more in-depth imaging and analysis.
  • Two-dimensional (2D) Strain Imaging for improved analysis of heart-rhythm and function
  • Collaboration with Dartmouth­-Hitchcock regional locations and affiliated sites throughout New Hampshire and Vermont

Nuclear Imaging

Our nuclear cardiologists partner with radiologists to perform and evaluate nuclear stress tests, which are used to assess the probability of coronary artery disease. Our nuclear cameras are the most advanced available and provide the most precise imaging, which helps improve diagnostic accuracy.

CT and MR Imaging

We also provide highly advanced computed tomographic (CT scan) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in collaboration with the Department of Radiology to identify and assess cardiac function and aid in clinical decision making, including:

  • CT angiography, which is a non-invasive way to visualize coronary, pulmonary, and peripheral arteries, and can be used to assess risk by obtaining coronary calcium scores
  • Cardiac MRI, which is used to assess heart viability and structural defects and is the gold standard for calculating heart function from excellent images without radiation exposure to you
  • Cardiac CT, which is also used before TAVR procedures