The Helmut Schumann Fellowship

At a time where medicine has become an ever more sophisticated, highly specialized science, involved primarily with helping the ill patient in a very specific aspect of his or her illness, the time has also come to balance this great and needed effort in modern medicine with a better overview of "total health care." By this I mean a better understanding of the interrelation of mind and body and a better understanding of all bodily functions as they constitute a single human being. The Helmut Schumann Fellow is a physician of the highest ethical and professional standard who seeks to better understand the complex relationships, which only in their sum total make for a healthy human being.

Helmut Schumann

The Helmut Schumann Fellowship is thought of not as an endowment of medical research, but rather as an opportunity for career development.

The purpose of the Helmut Schumann Fellowship it to allow a clinician to study in areas not ordinarily considered the domain of medicine in order to find new and more effective ways to help patients to stay well or become well again, to live better and longer lives, and to be happier human beings.

Application instructions

The original application in a single PDF document must be submitted to Tracy Ostler via email at with a copy emailed to Karen Jones at by 12:00 pm on the deadline date. Late applications will not be accepted.


For current deadlines, please see the Application Deadlines page. All submissions are due by 12:00 pm (noon).
