Cardiac Device Clinic

The Cardiac Device Clinics in Keene, Lebanon, and Manchester support patients with implantable cardiac devices with remote monitoring and in-clinic device follow-up.

Our specialty teams of providers, nurses, and technicians work with your primary care physician (PCP) or specialist from Cardiovascular Medicine to manage your implanted cardiac device.

To learn more about our clinic, please refer to the following sections on this page:

Cardiac Device Clinic team

Specialty teams of providers, nurses, and technicians work with your PCP or specialists from Cardiovascular Medicine to manage your cardiac device management.

Program leadership:

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Our services

You are enrolled in our clinic for ongoing monitoring after implantation of one of the following devices:

  • Cardiac Resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a pacemaker that coordinates the lower left and right heart chambers, reducing heart failure.
  • Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) is a device implanted to detect and stop irregular heart rhythms that may be life-threatening. ICDs continually monitor the heart rhythm and, if necessary, provide rapid pacing to restore regular rhythm (when it does not work, it will deliver an electric shock).
  • Implantable Loop Monitor (ILR) is a small device implanted under the skin of the chest that records the heart's electrical activity for 3 to 5 years. Indications for these devices include irregular heartbeat, unexplained stroke, unexplained fainting, and arrhythmia management.
  • Pacemaker is a device implanted to prevent the heart from beating too slowly. There are multiple types of pacemakers: single, dual, biventricular, and leadless.

We evaluate you in the office and monitor you remotely, following the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) guideline-directed care.

  • Remote monitoring – Your cardiac device will relay data to a transceiver, monitoring clinic, and doctor's office. Remote monitoring provides convenience without compromising care or treatment. Your cardiac team can respond quickly to alerts or arrhythmias your device detects before you are even aware of them. Remote monitoring is proven to reduce hospitalizations and improve patient outcomes. It is important to understand that remote monitoring is not an emergency response system. The clinic hours are regular business hours, Monday through Friday. To learn more, please refer to the Cardiac Device Monitoring page in our patient education library.
  • In-clinic device follow-up – At your annual in-clinic appointment, we check your device and optimize it for your cardiac needs. You will not need surgery for us to check your cardiac device. We place a special programming tool on your chest on top of your skin and clothes to connect the programmer to your cardiac device. There may be times when an alert or unusual finding sent from your device prompts an in-clinic device check. We explain and discuss the reason for the unscheduled device check and whether any tests are needed.

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Patient education and resources

Please refer to the following resources from our patient education library to learn about implantable cardiac devices.

Cardiac Device Clinic resources

Contact us

New patients – If you're a new patient and would like to make an appointment with our Cardiac Device Clinic, please contact your PCP or Cardiovascular Medicine in Keene, Lebanon, or Manchester to request a referral.

Returning patients – If you are a returning Cardiac Device Clinic patient, please use myDH to communicate securely with us, request or change appointments, review your medical records, and more.

For referring physicians – Depending on the location, please follow the instructions below:

  • Keene (Cheshire Medical Center) – Please contact the Cardiology department at Cheshire Medical Center. 
  • Lebanon (DHMC)please fax the appropriate Cardiovascular Medicine referral form to us. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Physician Connection Center. Please note: The Physician Connection Center does not take referrals by phone.
  • Manchester (Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics) – Please fax the referral order to 603-640-1930. For internal referrals, enter the order for Manchester Cardiology, and in the comments, cite the Device Clinic.

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