Milan Satcher, MD, MPH

Research interests

After years of clinical experience caring for persons returning home after incarceration, I joined Dartmouth's Primary Care T32, where my research focused on mass criminalization as a determinant of health inequity. I worked under the mentorship of Dr. Sarah Lord to examine the biopsychosocial correlates of prenatal care utilization among women with a history of criminal legal system involvement and opioid use disorder (CL-OUD). This research revealed prenatal care disparities among pregnant women with CL-OUD. Relative to the general population of Northern New England, a higher proportion of pregnant women with CL-OUD experienced later prenatal care initiation and less prenatal care visits.

Under Dr. Lisa Marsch, I am completing a qualitative study with recently incarcerated adults to assess the interrelationship between biopsychosocial experiences and engagement in OUD treatment during reentry, as well as their perceptions of potential care approaches to support recovery during reentry. Early results highlight an array of structural failures that paradoxically position recovery and basic human survival at odds during reentry. Participants also describe effective system- and individual-level recovery strategies.

My career goal is to develop a transdisciplinary, multisectoral program of research to address structural vulnerabilities to criminal legal system involvement and advance health equity and dignity for impacted individuals and families. When I'm not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and faith community, veganizing popular dishes (though I'm not vegan), indoor gardening, and hiking/picnicking with loved ones.

Selected publications

View my publications on the ORCID website.